Saturday, January 31, 2015

My Life Experiences With Wine Thus Far

In my life so far I have not had terribly many experiences with wine and would like to fix that.  So far I have had almost no idea what wines would be good or that I would enjoy.  My family is very big into celebratory drinks and shots of things like Slivovitz and Jägermeister, and my parents drink things like apricot sours and gin-n-tonics.  Therefore wines have been more of a thanksgiving or dinner party type drink in my experience.  However, I have discovered that I really do not care for wines that are dry.  I really only like very sweet wines.  My favorite so far has been Moscatos. 

My first glass of wine I actually enjoyed was my freshman year of college at Virginia Tech when my brother visited me, and I had some Moscato when we went to an Olive Garden for dinner.  Then, for my 21st birthday my older sister bought me a bottle of Cupcake Moscato, which I really liked. Since then, I have had some wine a few more times, mostly at dinner with my parents.  My absolute favorite wine I’ve yet had though was during the past summer when I went to the Williamsburg Colonial Village for a few days with my Mother, Grandmother and Grandfather.  One night we went to a colonial restaurant called Christiana Campbell's Tavern and I had a white wine called "Dauphine De Guiraud Sauternes, France" which had honeysuckle, as well as apricot, white pear, and floral tones to it.  The wine was very light and crisp, with a very sweet and non-lingering taste.  

I have discovered that in addition to not liking dry wine and only liking very sweet wines, I like wines with very little lingering.  I also prefer wines that have a lot of fruit or floral tones in it.  I particularly enjoy the flavors of pear, peach, strawberries, elderflower, and honeysuckle. Most of the wines I tend to enjoy are therefore white wines, usually Moscatos.  As a matter of fact I have yet to discover a red wine that I did actually like.  
From this class I wish to learn about serving wine and how to properly drink and taste the wine in the hopes that I will enjoy the wine itself more and perhaps enjoy the flavors more.  Additionally, I really hope to learn more about the differences between the types of wines so that I will be better able to select wines that I feel I will enjoy.  By attending the wine tastings I hope to also acquire more of a taste for wine so that I can detect more flavors and be able to get more out of a glass of wine rather than just to say whether its dry or not.  Finally, I want to learn a lot about pairing wines with foods and cheeses so that when making or having special dinners I can select wines that will complement the food and vice-verse.

1 comment:

  1. You sound like me. I prefer Moscato any day, I really don’t like the more “sophisticated” dry wines. They aren’t all that great tasting. I’ve tried and enjoyed Cupcake wines, so I’ll have to check out Dauphine De Guiraud Sauternes, France with my wife. We enjoy trying new wines, but finding a “lightweight” wine can be tricky. The clerks at our local liquor store make fun of us because we always buy low alcohol content, fruity wines while everyone else is stocking up on Vodka and Everclear.

    Irvin Moss @ Shop Brewmeister
